7 bad Traits of a Narcissist Husband.

Here are 7 traits of a narcissistic husband are explained. You can detect a narcissist person by reading this article.


A narcissistic husband manipulates his wife by love bombing.



A narcissistic husband manipulates his wife using manipulative behavior. He controls his actions by being distant from her. First, he will love bomb you and give you special treatment, but ultimately, he will impose his decisions on you. His mistakes aren’t mistakes; they’re normal, and he hides them and covers them with gaslights.

Isolate you from friends and family:

A narcissistic husband separates you from friend and family.


Isolation from friends.

One of the traits of a narcissist husband is he introduces himself as the finest person in the world by love bombing and, on the other hand, criticizes your friends and family. Always try to convince yourself to avoid gathering with friends and family. He tries to control your actions and insists you live according to his desire. He limits your communication with people. He plays mind games and vanishes love for your friends and family. All of your friends and family seem selfish to you. In the end, you are isolated and face mental health problems.

Devaluing your feelings.

Wife feels not not well due to feeling less behavior of her narcissistic husband.


Devaluing your feelings.

He never valued your feelings, only his interests. He treated you like a child and showed you knew nothing about the world. He imposed his decisions and actions. He puts you down by criticizing your parenting skills, calling you by name, and controlling you. He lowers your self-love and always considers himself superior to you. He makes you nervous by confusing you, and he holds grudges if you respond to him. He does not care about your needs.

Resilient to change

Never accept his mistakes; always manipulate or gaslight his mistakes. He always believes he is right and can lie to prove his miscalculated point. If you criticize his behavior, he gets irritated and reacts adversely but does not accept mistakes. He takes criticism as an insult and holds grudges.


One of the major trait of narcissist husband is self-importance,



He always desires special treatment and demands affection and love. He is grandiose and thinks he is better than others. He consistently tries to seek attention and admiration. He always praises himself for every aspect of his life. Due to his grandiosity, he mistreats others. In society, he builds a charming image as a perfect person. But after all these requirements, he is still unhappy and convinces the others to feel guilty for his unhappiness.

Inconsistent Behavior

A narcissist person has inconsistent behavior.


inconsistent behavior.

His behavior is unpredictable; no one can predict his reaction. His relationships are unstable because sometimes he is very loving and caring but discourages your actions after a while. Sometimes, he makes you jealous by praising himself and blaming you for his mistakes. He controls all your actions by criticizing you. He demands attention, care, and love but is careless about your feelings and needs. When he doesn’t find admiration, he is unhappy, gives you the silent treatment, and makes you feel guilty. He behaves well in his social circle but criticizes severely behind the doors.


He controls all your actions, even your life, but he still blames you for all the mistakes. He doesn’t take responsibility for his actions, so you live a miserable life. He gaslights and blames others for his actions.


If a person has these seven characteristics, he is a narcissist, but sometimes a narcissist may have limited traits. He has complex behavior, but knowing narcissist traits, you can detect them quickly. A narcissist builds boundaries for others by controlling them through emotional damage and manipulation. He treats you like a slave by separating from you to control you. He is happy and upset for a reason; he has no feelings for others.

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